Subsea UXO Services - Al-Hawar Island Channel
Hughes Subsea was tasked to conduct 24hr diving operations to investigate, identify and if required dispose, of 360 potential UXO (pUXO).
Prior to any laying or trenching operations by Enshore, Hughes Subsea was contracted to ensure the risk from UXO was mitigated and the threat reduced to as low as reasonably possible.
Project Details
Enshore Subsea Ltd was contracted to support the installation of a 66 Kv submarine and underground cable for the electricity supply to Al-Hawar Island from mainland Bahrain. Prior to any laying or trenching operations by Enshore, Hughes Subsea Ltd was contracted to ensure the risk from UXO was mitigated and the threat reduced to as low as reasonably possible (ALARP).
Following a geophysical survey and data integration; Hughes Subsea was tasked to conduct 24hr diving operations to investigate, identify and if required dispose, of 360 potential UXO (pUXO). Depths along the route range from 3m to 10m.
- Expediting UK workforce and equipment to Bahrain.
- COVID 19 mitigation.
- Ensuring equipment, vessel and stores met UK regulatory standards.
- Cable route was through a known ‘live firing range.’
- Recent conflicts in the area (possible migration of recent ordnance).
- Procurement and storage of explosives in country.
Hughes Subsea secured the use of a local landing craft with the ability to moor using spud legs or a 4-point anchor system. To support diving operations a containerized, IMCA compliant, dive spread (including Diver Decompression) was mobilised to the vessel. For tracking of the diver, a USBL survey system was also installed. To aid investigation the diver was supplied with a handheld magnetometer and sonar.
Each investigated pUXO were assigned a detailed report which substantiated the follow-on verification/ certification that the risk from UXO was ALARP. Allowing follow on marine operations to commence.
With the COVID 19 pandemic remaining ‘high risk’ within the Kingdom of Bahrain, Hughes Subsea supplied a fully isolated workforce with a accommodation, victualling, and welfare package. Ensuring disruption to the project was fully mitigated and the workforce, protected.